Original Column Name |
Expanded Column Name |
Description |
ItemPRID |
Item Purchase Request ID |
A unique identifier for the item purchase request within the system. |
ApprovedUserID |
Approved User ID |
The ID of the user who approved the purchase request. |
CreatedUserID |
Created User ID |
The ID of the user who created the purchase request. |
DateApproved |
Date Approved |
The date when the purchase request was approved. |
DateCreated |
Date Created |
The date when the purchase request was created. |
DateNeeded |
Date Needed |
The date when the items requested are needed by. |
ItemPRNo |
Item Purchase Request Number |
The number assigned to the item purchase request for tracking and reference purposes. |
NoteAC |
Note Audit Comment |
A field for additional notes or audit comments regarding the purchase request. |
PRApprovalTaskID |
Purchase Request Approval Task ID |
A unique identifier for the task associated with the approval process of the purchase request. |
Purchase Request Location ID |
The ID that identifies the location associated with the purchase request. |
RecptID |
Recipient ID |
The identification number of the recipient for the purchase request. |
RecptTypeID |
Recipient Type ID |
An identifier for the type of recipient that the purchase request is intended for. |
SiteID |
Site ID |
The identifier for the site where the purchase request originated or is to be delivered to. |
VendorID |
Vendor ID |
The identifier for the vendor from whom the items are being requested. |
ZUChkSum |
ZU Check Sum |
An audit log field used for data integrity checks, representing a checksum value for the record. |
ZUDate |
ZU Date |
The date on which this record was last audited or used in an audit log. |
ZULogonHisID |
ZU Logon History ID |
A reference to the user logon history ID used for auditing purposes. |